Residential Curtain Wall Systems | Features and Installation Process

Residential curtain wall systems.

Like commercial glass curtain walls, residential curtain wall systems envelope buildings in non-structural glass and aluminum facades that transfer loads and resistance to the building’s main structure. These glazing systems utilize thermally broken heavy duty glass panes for optimal heat efficiency. The mullions, transoms and sealings provide further functional and structural benefits including resistance to:

  • Rust,
  • Temperature expansion,
  • Seismic forces,
  • Water,
  • & Air.

These state of the art glass shells protect the interior from the elements and create a safe and comfortable living environment, all with optimal thermal performance for building occupants. Glass curtain wall systems also feature heavily in commercial applications. The practical glass and aluminum construction of modern residential curtain wall systems define modern residential architecture.

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residential curtain wall systems

How do you install residential curtain wall systems?

You can retro-fit your home with a variety of residential curtain wall systems and glass partition walls, as long as you’re mindful of your load-bearing walls. Because glass curtain walls are not load bearing, you can’t simply replace any wall with a glass and aluminum structure. If a wall is not load bearing, the install is simple.

All glass curtain wall systems begin with lightweight and durable aluminum framing. Proper measurements are crucial before a manufacturer cuts the components to size. Once the components arrive on-site, an installer double checks measurements and confirms the fitment of each frame. With the frame in place, glass planes then go into place. The installer then reconfirms fitment and the installation is complete.

In most every instance, glass residential curtain wall systems require custom specifications and fitting. There is no one-size-fits all – each project is unique.

How long does it take to install a residential curtain wall system?

The manufacturing process often takes the longest amount of time. This is the number one consideration when estimating installation is lead time. Depending on the accuracy of the on-site measurements, lead time between order and installation can take between 4 and 10 weeks. Other factors like size and complexity create added variables for glass curtain wall manufacturers that can extend lead time.

With proper planning and preparation, lead times may be cut in half. An effective project manager should be able to ensure a rapid installation.

Contact nvision Glass Today

We work closely with companies and business to help determine their commercial window and glass installation needs. Ultimately we aim to offer you a wide range of commercial glass solutions including: storefront glass, glass curtain walls and glass partitions. We also handle sizing and specifications of custom windows, with the experience you would expect from industry experts. Contact nvision Glass in Reno or nvision Glass in Las Vegas for more information or for a project estimate.

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