Glass Whiteboards for Your Office

Glass whiteboards have become increasingly popular for in-home offices and work offices for presentations. Not only do they complement a modern office design, but they also have many added benefits that the porcelain or melamine boards don’t have. Below is a list of benefits of glass whiteboards. 

Benefits of Glass Whiteboards

They Won’t Stain

  • Typical whiteboards often show stains from dry erase markers when left too long, these stains are referred to as “ghosting” marks after wiping off the board. The ink from the markers bleed into the pores of porcelain or melamine boards and leave them looking stained and dirty.
  • Glass is nonporous making the boards resistant to stains. You’ll no longer have to worry about ghosting with glass, which easily wipes clean every single time. 

They’re Durable

  • Traditional whiteboards are prone to cracking and scratching requiring the need for continual replacement. Glass boards are made from heavy-duty glass that won’t bend or distort; eliminating the need for replacement. 

glass whiteboard

They’re Environmentally Friendly

  • Not only are glass whiteboards durable and easy to clean, but they’re environmentally friendly
  • Traditional whiteboards made from pressboard is made of a cellulose material constructed with several layers of paper which are then chemically molded and pressed into the shape of a board. After the boards are shaped, they are then coated in another chemical giving them their shine.
  • Glass boards are simply made from glass making them environmentally friendly. 

They’re Customizable 

  • Another benefit of the glass whiteboards is that they are completely customizable.
  • nvision Glass is capable of making glass whiteboards nearly any size to better suit customer needs
  • nvision Glass can create custom whiteboards up to 48” x 96”. So, whether you’re looking for a small or large glass whiteboard, nvision Glass can provide either. 

Glass Whiteboards Look Better than Traditional Whiteboards

  • Traditional whiteboards are prone to cracking, denting, ghosting and are easily scratched
  • Glass boards are more durable and are resilient against unsightly stains making their appearance much more appealing than the traditional porcelain or melamine boards
  • They have a sleek and professional look that is guaranteed to impress your colleagues or potential clients. 

nvision Glass LogoGlass Whiteboards from nvision Glass

nvision Glass has over 30 years of experience dealing with custom glass pieces for residential and commercial sites in the Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Las Vegas areas. Our team is dedicated to finding the best custom glass pieces to fit any home, office, or business with expertise and professionalism. If you’re interested in a custom glass whiteboard for your home’s office, or for the office at work, then connect with nvision Glass today!


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